Monday, October 8, 2012

Dax Johnson - The Random & The Purpose

Music affects everyone in different ways.  I heard the music of Dax Johnson a few years ago and loved his music.  I associated the music to a certain time in my life.  Life happens and things change and for a while listening to his music hurt.  Over time that hurt faded away and I can still listen to his music.

Recently I got some fantastic birthday presents.  Actual CD's of Dax Johnson's Merciful Dwelling and The Random and the Purpose.  Now I've downloaded the digital copies or the handful of albums that he had released before he passed away, but having the actual CD's sounds better.

Now I was listening to The Random and the Purpose in the car and I've probably listened to that album a gazillion times.  One song started to play and I've never heard it before... "Child's Garden."  Listening to it felt like being a kid at Christmas finding something new and it gave me goose bumps.  Apparently the song wasn't included in the Amazon digital download.  Somewhat surprising and unfortunate that the only way to get the song appears to be from the CD. 

I now associate the song with the person that gave it to me.  Without that special someone, I might have never ever heard the new track.  Life does sometimes seem to come full circle and in this case, Dax Johnson's music to me has.

I love you Heather!

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