Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Message In A Bottle - Gabriel Yared

Gabriel Yared most notable for composing the score to The English Patient. Message In A Bottle was a movie based on a book by Nicholas Sparks. If you've been reading this blog, it seems like I like most of the scores to any movies that were based on Nicholas Sparks book.  The score has a nice "reflective" feeling to it.

If you knew that your life was slowly fading away, what would you want to say to the one you loved?
Would you say them out loud, even if they are not ready to hear it?  Would you want to write the words down?  Sometimes writing the words you want to say is easier than actually saying it.  Nobody wants to say goodbye to the one you care so deeply about.  Letting go is part of moving forward.

Favorite: Track #06 - Images Of The Past

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