Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Forrest Gump - Alan Silvestri

Forrest Gump... a movie about a man that isn't normal... or is it movie about a man that is more normal than most people? Forrest Gump might not have the social skills or brains as most people, but he more than makes up for it with his heart.  It's something that most people don't see and it took his one true love years to realize that what she's been searching for has always lied with him.  It's something that I hope that someone will one day see in me.  The movie might be out there, but it's a movie after all. Composed by Alan Silvestri, it's a sweeping score with plenty of piano and strings.  The main theme is something to remember.  The track I Never Thanked You is touching during the scene were Lt. Dan is at peace with the demons, yet the words thank you never makes it out of his mouth to Forrest.

Favorite: Track #13 - I Never Thanked You

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