Friday, September 16, 2011

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - John Williams

Composed by the legend John Williams, the main title to Star Wars must be one of the most recognizable pieces of movie music. Watching Star Wars for the very first time, you hear the Fox fanfare start playing. You don't know what to expect when the movie begins. Then it start and the brass instruments in the main title jumps out and captivates you to pay attention. It's one of those themes that never gets old even after 34 years.

Favorite: Track #02 - Main Title

Also recently released is Star Wars on bluray. If you're a Star Wars fan, I'm sure I don't need to tell you to pick this one up. There are the purists that will complain that they digital corrected things in the original trilogy. I'm sure if they digital removed Jar Jar Binks... then people wouldn't complain.

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