Sunday, February 17, 2013

Safe Haven - Deborah Lurie

Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks. Every Nicholas Sparks book that they make into a movie, I seem to enjoy the movie scores that accompany them.  This is the 2nd Nicholas Sparks movie that Deborah Lurie scored, the first being Dear John.  You can hear pieces of the Dear John but it's subtle unlike the majority of James Horner scores.  The tracks that I like so far are just too short.  It makes me want to hear more.  A couple of the tracks aren't as mellow as they were meant for suspenseful scenes within the movie.  A little jarring if you want to just hit play and listen to the whole score.  I guess that's why playlists are so nice.

There is also a music soundtrack that was released at the same time as the score.  Unfortunately the score appears to be released as a digital download only.

Favorite:  Track #11 - No Safer Place