Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dear John (Score) - Deborah Lurie

Composed by Deborah Lurie, Dear John was a movie based on a book by Nicholas Sparks. This was the first score that I ever bought composed by Deborah Lurie. Unfortunately there was no pressed CD released, but it is available through digital downloads. There is also a soundtrack album with vocal music from various artists that was released.

Favorite: Track #20 - Final Letter

Friday, August 26, 2011

Dax Johnson - A Father and Son

"A Father and Son" off the album Merciful Dwelling was the first song I've ever heard by Dax Johnson.  I was searching youtube for "how to" videos to come up with ideas for a valentines day gift.  Had it not been for this, I would probably have never come across his music. You can feel with every press of the piano key the emotion that he puts into it. This is emotion that resonates from his fingers to the piano through speakers and into your soul. It's a shame that his life was cut short. Sounds like a cliche' but his music will still live on forever.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Thor - Patrick Doyle

Composed by Patrick Doyle during a summer of super hero movies.  The movie itself was ok.  Definitely liked the score better.  I guess sometimes you just have the figure out when it's time to let go.

Favorite: Track #22 - Letting Go

Monday, August 22, 2011

I Want It Back

The time for moping around is over.  I want that feeling that I had back.  They say there's someone for everyone, and I want to find that someone.  If I don't find that someone atleast I can't say that I tried.

I've got the best friends in the world to help me through this.

Friday, August 12, 2011


The music of Dax Johnson, music that I love makes me feel so sad right now. Listening to his music during long car rides made time go by.  Knowing that as each track passes, the CD comes closer to the end, and my destination is near. I might not be making those trips anymore, but the journey that I had to see someone you care about was so worthwhile. I'm sure the next journey I take, the music of Dax Johnson will be there and bring back happy memories and form new memories for the future.